The "Active Learning Activities" series will
focus on what its name suggests: activities provided by our very own professors
to be utilized in active learning classrooms. This post focuses on Dr. Harry
Jol’s use of “Buzz Groups” – informal groups of four to six – to give students
a chance to connect course content to the real world and establish meaningful
connections with each other.
5-minute activity regularly implemented in a 300-level course; 8 pods with 6
students per pod
of the activity: The purpose of this activity is for the
students to find a linkage with the course material and activities/processes
that happening in the world. A secondary
purpose is provide students time for pod (team) building and allow time for
each pod to check in with each other before the class begins.
the activity unfolded in the classroom: Each pod is asked to
provide one example of an environmental hazard in the world as they walk into
the classroom (becomes routine as the semester progresses). (Note: each pod is the same individuals once
a pod building and selection is complete at the beginning of the semester.) The pods are allowed to use any resource they
want (computers, smart phones, newspapers, etc.). After several minutes, each
pod briefly reports out to the class.
the activity: The results presented tie directly into
past, present and/or future content and discussions for the class. Examples from these discussions are also in
the class exams. In addition, the
exercise allows the students to transition from earlier
classes/activities/getting to class to touching base with their pod members and
then starting to think about class content.
comments from instructor: Based on end of the semester class
assessment, the students enjoyed the time to touch base with each member and
that the exercise built community amongst individuals who did not know each
other at the beginning of the semester.
There was some concern from some pods that we should do it only weekly
not at every class as they felt it became repetitious.
For additional examples of active learning from UW Eau
Claire instructors, follow this link to
our website or click on the "Active Learning" tag located on the
right side of the blog.
Tip provided by Harry Jol